

despite how much i bully you,, i literally love you to death. you are one of my closest friends and you're like an older brother to me. you always make so happy to talk to everyday. and you might be my favorite ohian. i thank you for always helping me out with my math homework and all of that. you're truly one of the kindest souls i know. but pls stop invalidating me as my kins



ro!!! one of my favorite mutuals and i love talking to you everyday! you are such a kind soul. and anyways when are we taking over the world? we could honestly become a power duo with us being school bullies. but no for real, i love you so much and i liked having late night talks in gcs! pls lets continue interacting more



one of the funniest people ever? i truly don't know how you do it. and for some reason i really like ur voice and even ur voice memos are so hillarious. thank you for honestly getting me into ons, i love mikayuu now due to you! your power for that honestly. anyways can you please stop becoming ons famous? it's kinda embarassing cuz i dont want you to forget me.



miss rae! i love you so much! thank you for making my anitwt experiences so so much better! i was able to meet so many great people thanks to you! but honestly beside that i just love how funny and chaotic you are on the tl and in gcs. you are always so postitive and spreading such good energy! and you give great advice.



red naya! thank you for always checking up on me and giving me such great advice. i love interacting with you on the tl + talking to you in gcs. please keep being such an amazing person and having such a great attitude. i honestly aspire to be you on just how kind you are. i am always going to manifest good vibes for youu in the manga



you are like an older sister. i thank you for always giving such good advice and being so chaotic. i literally love you. i hope we will be able to interact more despite you being so busy!! it makes me so sad! but anyways you are truly such a kind soul! you are always spreading good energy on the tl! and i hope you and georgenotfound or whatever his name is will like notice you! you simp!!



one of the best people i know to give such good advice is ace. ace you are truly such a kind soul to be around. you're always so supportive of others and even just strangers. i love you so much. and i want to let you know that you have such good editing skills with your fancams and such! you are always so funny to be around and you always make my day!



whenever i first met you vana, you indimated me hella! but then we have gotten super close in tfgc and i don't think my anitwt experience could be the same without you. you are always so nice and amazing to talk to. i literally love your tortoise fancam and it always makes me laugh! i always love interacting with you on the tl and in dms! i love you so much!



miss moca! from my experience of getting to know you, you are truly such a blessing to be around. you spread such a nice auora and it always makes me so happy! i love being able to talk with you in gcs and such. please keep always being so chaotic and funny. i love you lots and i hope we get to interact more!



okay rise up h0ekages nation! my favorite mutual ever in all honesty. i am so glad i was able to meet you, you have given me such great advice, and i truly can look up to you like an older sister. despite being the ultimate angry blonde and kakashi simp, i will try my best to support ur simp addiction. i love watching anime with you!!! and in all honesty, thank you for getting me into fairytail! good luck in college!



having your twitter notifcations on is one of the funniest thing i can probably do. you are always spamming the timeline, but i really appreciate it and it always makes me so happy to see you. i love talking to you in gcs and just interacting with you on the tl. please keep being so funny and just saying random things! you make seb scro so much fun to talk in!